Book Review: Fundamentals of Software Architecture

What to expect from a book on software architecture nowadays? Before reading this book I made some assumptions about would be recommended in this book: microservices, containers and the usual after-the-fact known concepts. Plus, as with other similar books as you read you tend to agree with common-sense-non-actionable ideas which make you nod while reading … Read moreBook Review: Fundamentals of Software Architecture

Counting Reps and Measuring Exercise Quality (using Smartphone’s Accelerometer)

Nowadays, people carry their phones everywhere, even while exercising at the gym. Only recently have equipment manufacturers noticed this and started to add a phone holder. For the time being, however, people put their phone on the floor or on top of the weights. Many wearable fitness trackers already provide functionality of counting equipment exercise … Read moreCounting Reps and Measuring Exercise Quality (using Smartphone’s Accelerometer)